Sunday 25 May 2014

Final submitted image PPP

Individual panels:

1. Colour scheme: I pre chose two colours and allowed myself to then choose shades of that colour by looking through the gradient map for that specific colour. It made it much easier when deciding colours and also because the green and purple are such contrasting colours they complimented each other quite well.

2. Working in shape. Working on the cintiqs made this much easier. Working with shape solved a problem I'd been having with my character: connecting the head to the body, I've been struggling to draw necks using line that fit in well with the rest of the design. 

3. Rhymes. I think the simple rhyming narrative worked well because it was informed by my research and I included the details I thought were important. Like the alter: i made sure to have the important items shown: the Pan de Muertos (the loaf of bread decorated with fake bones), A cup of Atole ( a hot corn based drink), the decease's  favourite meal, Toiletries such as shaving equipment, A candy skull and a photo in a frame.

1. The font. I did a hand drawn text but because I had the screen zoomed in as I worked on each panel I inadvertently made the writing on each panel a different size. To fix this in future I would do the writing all together so that it is consistent and then transfer the text to the panels second.

2. The final panel. I think it just isn't as balanced as the others. It is much more crowded. Also the woman is lacking a neck, a detail I forgot to add. To improve this panel I would re plan it and have it more spaced out. Possibly consider some more dynamic angles to draw it from, to make it more aesthetically exciting.

3. The white background that the panels sit on is very stark and empty. I thought the contrast would work well but in retrospect I think a more harmonious colour palette would be more effective. 

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