Tuesday 6 May 2014

PPP Going visual!

So I started this by listing all the things I've learnt through my projects since this is meant to be a summative project. 

Then I started a page on the aesthetic values I like and want to use. I've done this so I set out with certain restrictions and things I need to include. This way I have a more focused field to play in and then I can develop it into a final idea.

My first idea for this project was to do a comic on the year. Like my own personal experiences; living in a flat for the first time, shopping, making money to live on, uni work etc. 
I had an idea for a page while I was writing, because the ideas I was having for stories were all about the failings so I thought I could have an uplifting page at the end of a hot air balloon floating away with the caption 'everything's going up'. But then I thought a cynical last page was funnier and thought maybe a page could follow that one where the person had fallen out of the hot air balloon and its popped with the caption 'then real life begins'
I drew out another page idea I had. I played with the idea of things going out of the frame, bursting out of panels. Although I'd like to do it more dramatically next time, this one isn't too noticeable.

Then I realised I needed to have something real to research so I could get really into it. I realised that in my spare time one of my favourite things to draw are skulls and candy skulls, so why not capitalise on that?

Mexican Day of the Dead.
I started drawing and playing around under the theme of 'day of the dead'
In these drawings I was trying out new candy skull designs and also trying to create ghosts that are children. I'm trying to find a way to represent that they're children without simply drawing children.

A candle lit to welcome spirits. I tried out some little fat blob ghosts here and went crazy with pattern.

In this one I tried out a wisp like design to represent the children. I think it will be more obvious that they're children when I start drawing out the adults.

Playing with more candy skull designs.

To do next: Go to Crit and get feedback. 
Start drawing adult ghosts.
Research more on Day of the Dead

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