Friday 21 March 2014

Line of Sight: Transport

In the beginning I decided to try my hand at some animation. I chose stairs as my transport because i wanted to concentrate on shape in this project and stairs can be represented easily with series of shapes. By doing this i learnt that with the stop motion process i had chosen there were marks left on the paper that build up over the gif so that it doesn't match up properly in a loop. If i were to work on it again i would use some masking tape to secure the shapes to the background rather than white tac as thats what caused the marks.  Also using a camera instead of a scanner would be easier for when i was moving the pieces and then had to flip it upside to scan i got confused at which way round it went and which direction things had been going in. With a camera that problem would be eliminated and the process would be quicker as I may not even have to secure the shapes down just sit them on, move them and photograph.
Unfortunately once finishing this it didn't really answer the brief, i'd got too sucked into playing with the animation process. It didn't display a clear example of use of line of sight in an illustration.

So i started a new project. This time my transportation was riding on a hoover because I am advertising a cleaning service at my accommodation and i figured i could combine this project with that by making a poster; my concept being someone riding a henry hoover. I drew out multiple thumbnails, playing with composition and depth of my piece. The first ones i tried were just side on and seemed very flat and i wanted to improve that. I tried having it ride off into the distance but that angle to draw at left little for character design so i decided on a front facing piece. Then i drew it at a perspective as if it was coming towards you. I added the lines and the fading of the colours from green to blue to exaggerate the speed and motion in the picture and directing the line of sight to the centre.

Then I added a small box with the info in so that i could use this as my advertisement.

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