Wednesday 12 March 2014


I started my shape exploration with collage. I used simple bright colours and worked under my theme of pirates.

I like how this one turned out especially the overlapping patter built it up so it had a 3d effect. I also like how the colours contrast from each other.

For this one i scribbled on the page then looking at the shapes it created i drew pirates from them. This forced me to try new shapes and it was fun to play with.

For these two i made stencils in thick cartridge paper then used my thumb to blot ink onto it which created a really interesting texture.

For this one i started with a shape for each one and built the character around that.

From this exercise into shape I have learnt:
1. To experiment with unusual shapes and push myself to try new things.
2. Collage can be used to create a stacked 3D effect.
3. Trying all the media showed me the value in experimentation with it.

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