Thursday 12 February 2015

Budget Overlord and Character Wizzard GO!

Me and Rosie are doing the Wet transfer brief. We have to show ourselves in 10 years time. The main parts of the brief to keep in mind are:
The deliverables are 1 print, 1 online piece and research presented in either 4 image or a 1 minute video.
Concept is key.
We decide the target audience and why.
Celebrate the person you'll be in 10 years.

These were just two quick sketches I did before our session today.
I put a jet pack in because it was the only thing I could think of that indicated 'future'. Then I thought what is the world like in 10 years and how would that effect the person I will be.

Talking with Rosie we were discussing idea's and we both like the idea of using 60's futurism.
Big bubbly buildings, chrome and glass everywhere. But I also wanted it to be 'green' like in the future we push expanding our forests and plant life and just integrate them into our cities and lives.

Rosie had the idea of making it Biotech, she referenced Farscape:
The ship is part mechanical and part biological, a living ship. 
I had the idea of solar tattoos that could charge up on solar energy and then through some sort of transfer pad on your fingers you could power hand held items. Then I was thinking how we always have issue with people tramping grass to mud and so we have tiny little sections for trees and grass and plaster our pavements/roads everywhere else. My idea is that we just build the wildlife back up over the pavements. A tree could be planted on top and with careful root manipulation it can steady the structure further.  

I was wondering about how we could light up under the pavement shelters so that people could see at night. I was going for organic and natural and I figured glow worms and fire flies could work, it turned out Rosie had been thinking the same thing. Both of our inspirations for the idea: Groot.

I thought for under the pavement shelters if the roots of the growing tree were manipulated it could be made into a firefly habitat and they could light the night.

I was trying to figure out ideas for building and they were starting to look too mechanical and its hard to make them fit with the plant life. Me and Rosie talked and we decided that we don't want the chrome of the 60's futurism and we think at this point we're aiming for a rich pastel pallet. Also the solar panels are big and not aesthetically pleasing and she said that maybe they could be like leaves as in photosynthesis. So in our future we have harnessed the power of photosynthesis to create energy.

I tried doing house designs that are more nature-y, I was kind of stuck for idea's mixing the two concept of plants and building wasn't quite gelling in my mind. Rosie saw the one that's like a plant growing berries and she said maybe draw t like a bluebell, she drew me some examples and then I made the bottom one. I really like how it turned out because it's like the bottom piece is glass and all futuristic and the top is extravagant and keeps in touch with the 60's flower power. 

A larger drawing of the house plan. I put some steps round the outside so that you can sit out in the fresh air. My idea for them came from ames and the giant peach where the peach rolls down the hill and gets a fence stuck in it that wraps around and makes steps. 

I made the solar panels into leaf panels but kept them the same kind of shape because it means I can add big wobbly shapes to put them in and that can draw in more of the 60's style.

We've assigned each other a main area of design each to prepare for the presentation boards in two weeks.
I'm in charge of back grounds and large tech.
Rosie has characters and hand held tech.

And then we're going to meet every Thursday to work together and keep in contact about the project in the mean time by sending each other updates and questions. 

We are now in charge of keeping each other in check so that neither one of us gets behind which were both known to do. We figure the guilt of letting someone else down will kick our butts into gear.

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