Thursday 26 February 2015

Wake up in sunny snow.

So this one is also based off of the Chemical Brothers track. This one is based on the fact that I misheard the lyrics at first. I thought it said 'how does it feel like to wake up in the snow?' but the right word was actually sun. But I thought it would be fun to do one based off of my mistake because its still technically linked to the song but it almost definitely wont be recognisable with it.

I decided early on that the colour scheme for this one should be very minimal, only using blues. So i can get the sadness across It may be an oversimplification but I think with this one I should just keep everything simple seen as it started at such a bizarre point.

at first I tried just free hand drawing it on photoshop. turns out it's a lot harder to draw digitally and my attempts were sad comparisons to my hand drawn attempts.

Once I had cleaned up my final character and placed it the face just didn't look right. The faces I draw are always unmistakably cartoony and child like. That style just didn't fit in with the rest of the image. So I erased it and did some of my favourite eyes to do; the gaping holes of doom.

Overall after completing this one I think that my success with textured brushes was just a fluke and it's definitely something I'm going to have to work on. I think because snow is such a light reflective surface I wasn't really sure how to even add believable texture to it. I don't really like how this one turned out, the textures for the snow I did are just too reminiscent of microsoft paint's spray paint tool.

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