Monday 14 October 2013

Summer 10 cont.

Continuing the project from the summer 10 brief, i picked five themes that another tn could be made from.
1: Bad Dancing
2: My attempts at cooking
3: Beards
4: The songs that are stuck in my head
5: Things I get out of breath doing

after playing with the ideas on a big sheet and having a peer review I decided to go with number four but incorporate the images I created for number one and the style of using colours that I discovered in number five; an overlay of pink and green line work that looked disco themed.

I decided to make my poster like a club poster for a night out. The first thing I decided to complete was finding a logo that would communicate the poster simply. I experimented with ways to represent that it was going on inside my head; I t the lightbulb was a more subtle way than just drawing a brain. I got opinions from my peers on the experimentation I did with element of my logo before deciding on a finished logo.

Bulb shapes

Bulb Screws

Colour placement

Then I moved on from logo design to my dancers. I knew I wanted multiple naked dancers with simple line work so that they could be easily transferred to work with the pink/green colour overlay. 

With all the elements sorted I started to grid up my design to scale. I measured out grids where I wanted all the different parts of my poster so that everything would be level and professional. Using the light box I could trace through the details without the grid lines to get a clean copy with everything in line.
The light box was also really useful for the colour overlay on the dancing people as I could trace the same figure exactly the same with each colour so it was consistent.

The finished product.

In retrospect I feel I should have experimented more with line thickness but because I did all my practising on a5 i didn't see the effects that the line work would have on the finished scaled up piece. Also i feel the colour was good but there should have been more work with block colour in larger areas as the whole poster isn't very eye catching and quite bland.
Things I did like though were the bordering (suggested in a peer review on my original summer 10) and the logo because i worked out every element separately I felt proud of how it came together.

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