Monday 21 October 2013

The true value of Norman Rockwell

We were each given an article to read and told to find 5 images that represent what is said or that are related to it.
I was given 'The true value of Norman Rockwell, America's Patriot Painter. The Guardian'

My first image was found simply due to a quote in the text 'a beardless Abraham Lincoln'

My second image is that of Betty Grable I have chosen this one as the article talks of how at the time of Rockwell's Rosie this was the ideal woman. So Rockwell strived to make Rosie as much an inspiration and idle to woman as the current celebrities such as Grable.

This is an illustration of the book 'Of mice and men' i chose this image as the article talks of how Rocjwell illustrated through the times of hardship in America and bringing faith back into the american dream. And this book is based around the american dream and the recession.

I chose this image because much of the article was about how his work pushes freedom and gives hope back to the american people and encourages them. 

And finally I chose J. Howard Miller's poster for its similarities in purpose to Rockwell's Rosie.

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