Monday 18 November 2013

End of Module Self Evaluation

  • I have worked on developing my characters and the specific drawings of them  want to do by using reference so that they are anatomically correct. This skill has helped me as I developed it through the briefs in my final one I think it went best as you could see the big difference between my first draft and my informed drawing.
  • During this module I have tried different methods to image making; mono printing, collage, working with brusho and other inks and experimenting with different thickness's of pens. I think that they have informed my conceptual development process as I now have a variety of processes to choose from when I'm thumb-nailing ideas and can decide which is most appropriate as I know a range of different effects I can get using the method and also things that don't work well in certain media's like fine detail with mono-printing. 
  • Strengths: 
    • Drawing development process. To capitalise on this I will keep drawing things and try to use reference material where needed. Also I will keep adjusting my designs until I have an appropriate image that is aesthetically pleasing. I will also try to break larger designs down into single elements so that I can concentrate on one small part at a time to construct in the best way. 
    • Experimentation with media: To capitalise on this I will keep attending workshops wherever  can to improve my knowledge of methods. I want to become familiar with each process so that I can confidently decided whether or not a media is appropriate to the brief and message so that I don't waste time on any ideas that are simply not going to work. 
  • Weaknesses:
    • Blogging. I have only blogged my briefs after completion so I have forgotten a lot of the thought process when I come round to writing them up. To address this I am going to try and blog every day or two, just short blogs to go over what I'd done that day, the decisions and thought process so that I can document the whole process more thoroughly which will help me to see where things have gone wrong or to identify and weaknesses in my process.
    • Colour management. In my work I love to play with colour and tend to go over the top and make my pieces too loud and obtrusive or just far too crowded. To combat that I have tried to set myself a colour limitation so that I don't use too much. But I feel in this module I didn't consider the meaning of the colours or the effects they would have on the final aesthetic but rather using colours I like or jumping too quickly to a palette without considering it. To combat this in planning i will not just pick a colour based on how it looks but also try to judge if there is an appropriate colour that could add more meaning to the pieces.

Action Plan:
    • Know the strengths/weaknesses of the media I use
    • Reference drawings so they are anatomically correct.
    • Consider colour more thoroughly.
    • Blog throughout process.
    • Develop each element to its best.
    • Continue thumb-nailing ideas and coming up with a wide range.

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