Tuesday 12 November 2013

Initials brief

First we were partnered up with someone and had a talk about the questionnaire we filled in and got to know each other.

My task was to create an image with the Initials of my parters name that represented them and their personality which I got from the questionnaire.


Initial thumb-nailing. Just trying to get as many ideas out as possible. More ideas= more possibilities= better outcomes.

I then tried to take my favourite elements from my thumb-nailing process and play with just those aspects.

When i thoguht of making the letters into instruments they began to look like harps so I decided to try putting cherubs around it, but linking them further into my partners personality by giving them vinyl record heads because he love them which makes this further more appropriate to the brief.
This lead to a lot of fun playing with the Vinyl Cherubs.

I drew a laptop to try to include a theme of technology because my partner expressed his love for his gadgets.

i experimented with a couple of composition ideas before I made my final decision.

I measured out all the elements of my poster so that they would be accurate and professionally composed. The i used the light box to trace through the correct placement of the parts without any of the guidelines to create a crisp controlled finish.

This is the final piece.
I tried to fit in a variety of Joe's (my partner: Joe Sheils)
-His love of technology: with the laptop and phones.
-His music: with the guitars and the Vinyl Cherubs.
-His passion for comics inside the swirls.
and finally i put an image of Joe himself and this is where I finally decided to include the letters. The decision for this came from a piece from thumb-nailing with the J representing the brow and nose on a face which at the time I disregarded but on looking back at them at a later date really caught my eye. It was a subtle way of including them that didn't make them the main object of the image and I liked that.

My peer reviews.


Lots of possible ideas.
Included a variety of interests.
Crisp clean lines.
Compositionally pleasing.

Lack of texture and depth.
Little variety and experimentation in line thickness's.
Little experimentation with media.
Only one idea developed from thumb-nailing stage, possible ideas missed.

Action Plan:
In future briefs I will try to experiment with more variables: line thickness, media,  technique and process.
I will try to develop a couple of idea's past the thumb-nailing stage to establish a variety of possible ideas.
Draw my idea out more and more to get a feel of it so that I can do the best version of it I can.
Do drafts to scale to work out any compositional flaws/ improvements.

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