Tuesday 22 April 2014


For my colour exploration i decided to do a skeleton using lots of pattern, like candy skull style. so i started drawing them and playing around mainly with the pattern i wanted to use.

Trying out different types of skulls. I like the one with the triangles coming out of it best, because of the contrast between the white skull and the pattern on the surrounding shapes.

Another play with the aesthetic of the skull. the lower one i did using a space pattern i've made during my visual communication task.

This one focused mainly on colour. i workled in coloured pencil to avoid using black lines and to make myself think about the image in terms of shape and colour and not line.

This is the sketch i have chosen to refine in photoshop and experiment with colour on.

I started by colouring in with red, blue, green and yellow because they are commonly used colours for candy skulls. I chose the colours in the left side of the gradient to get less bright and loud colours and get ones that were more subtle and calm. Then i used the hue and saturation tool to look at all the variations on the colour scheme i have chosen.

This final one is the one i liked best out of the set. The colours really contrast and I turned the saturation up to make the colours bright and crazy. I think this made the image more fun and energetic, which went with the concept of the image since it was just a skelton happy to have some ice cream.

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