Wednesday 30 April 2014

Thats pants brief

We set out trying to think of things that we found pants as a group.

|Tghe thing we liked most was the idea that public toilets are gross and unsanitary.
We then figured out our aims:

At this point we decided to make a poo costume. This is a public brief so we wanted something eye catching and humorous. 

Being in a group lead to a large amount of discussing work and it took longer to start any action because the whole group must agree. We decided that just dressing up as a poo wasn't enough it had to have a meaning behind it. This is where the Pooliticians were born.

After us all getting excited about this new idea we had a crit. Post crit we felt like we'd over done it and made something that we had no chance of finishing well. So we went back to the drawing board.

Our next idea was to make a toilet paradise. We planned to have our gif as a toilet opening and then there being all these bright and beautiful things in the stall. 

I started making flowers for this idea but before i could finish them we had another rethink because we felt it didnt really answer the brief.. Being in a group has made settling on an idea much harder. Our weakness so far is finding cracks in our ideas and abandoning them completely.

We went out to photograph unclean public loos for research and thats when we discovered it was all a lie. A myth. The public loos now are clean and well looked after. If there is a mess someone will be out momentarily to clean it.

With this gaping hole in our idea we decided to go back to the poo costume but to come up with a reason for it. Our project became about needing to go number 2 in inappropriate places. Then our poo costume instead of being a reminder of dirt is instead just a reminder that 'you gotta go'.
Building the costume.

The pointed tip just wasn't poo-like enough for us. An ice cream like whip is much better.

We've added some arm straps to keep it up as by this point its got pretty heavy and awkward sized/shaped.

Then out into the open we went:

Our possible posters. I made this top one. I just wanted something simple using our slogan the bowel growl. We spent quite a while coming up with rhyming poop related phrases before we settled on this pone but we thought it fitted the project right

Personally i prefer the set out of the above one because its clean and simple , but i favour the text below because it makes me cringe at the texture. 

Our Gif

1. Working in a group made it hard to settle on a decision, i think we need to be more decisive.
2. In a group I pull my weight better on the making side of things rather than the ideas side, i wasn't very confident with offering up my ideas. 
3. The costume design wasn't very portable and it made the day quite awkward, especially when catching the bus.

1. Didn't get embarrassed at walking around in public with the poo costume so we were able to get loads of ridiculous ones and weren't limited by where we dare go.
2. Meeting up went well, because we were bad at making decisions quickly we needed the group time.
3. The aesthetic of the costume went quite well, we smoother patches out with tissue paper and painted multiple times to get the colour we were happy with. Also the fact that we made it so it would fit all of us in the group, which meant that the pictures/gif would include everyone. It also made it so we wouldn't have to decide on one person, because as we'd already realised we weren't very decisive.

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