Wednesday 30 April 2014

Persons of note

My 3 people of note: Baz Lurman, Douglas Adams, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Baz Lurman

1. Says his life is 'a circus run like an army'.
2. The great Gatsby took 5 years to write, produce and direct.
3. He directed the big dance number Hugh Jackman did at the 81st Academy Awards.
4. He cameoed in the Great Gatsby as a waiter.
5. He split his head open on a camera crane while directing Australia.
6. New York is his favourite place to live.
7. He has huge calendars (movie poster size) with to do lists on them.
8. He has assistants record him speaking while he was in bed.
9. He has nude Friday.
10. "anything that comes out of my mouth in print, sounds just so pretentious.

Douglas Adams

1. in 1974 he made appearances in Monty python's flying circus as a surgeon.
2. Two days before he died, the international astronomical union named an asteroid 'arthurdent'
3. He once wrote that his favourite fact is that "young sloths are so inept that they frequently grab their own arms and legs instead of tree limbs, and fall out of trees."
4. He described himself as a radical atheist.
5. Two weeks after he died his fans organised Towel Day. Celebrated every may 25.
6. He was cremated with his towel.
7. He played guitar left handed.
8. He was friends with David Gilmour (Pink Floyd) and came up with the album title 'the division bell'
9. In 1979 he was script editor for doctor who and wrote 3 episodes.
10. While studying in Cambridge he hitchhiked from Europe to Istanbul.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

1. At age 19 he left home to study law in London.
2. He wrote a letter to Hitler urging him to avoid a war.
3. He was shot by Nathuran Godse on 30/01/48.
4. He lead thousands on a march to the sea (241 miles) to symbolically make their own salt to protest the salt tax.
5. Mahatma is a term that means great soul.
6. In india he is called the father of the nation or Bapu (which means father).
7. The collected works of his have 50,000 pages.
8. He was nominated for the nobel peace prize 5 times.
9. He was the 1930 Times magazine man of the year.
10. India received independance from the british on the 15th of august 1947 after Gandhi launched a 'quit India' movement.

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