Tuesday 22 April 2014

End of module evaluation. OUIL 404 Viusual Language

 In this module I have learnt to use a sketchbook to my advantage drawing for fun and with the weekly underlying areas to focus on I feel I have improved during this module.

1. My line work has grown and improved. I feel the line and pattern focus week was a big one for me. I started getting into drawing pattern on things in my drawings to seperate them without the use of colour. Which is good because i've been working on choosing colour pallettes and by using pattern to seperate alot of the negative space i feel less of a need to go crazy and fill it with colour. I think it makes it easier to make a controlled decision about my colour pallet.
2. I think my use of the sketchpad has grown through this module because at first i wasn't always sure what to draw and felt like i had to plan some epic that would be my next best piece of work but with this i've learn that you can just draw whatevers on your mind. thinking visually. And the results aren't that important as what you've learnt from a piece. whether or not the concept was something that looked good and then i can decide whether to pursue it further or not. Also the visual language sketch books have been great to look back over for inspiration because with the individual focus areas there are pages dealing with each aspect i could be struggling on. This lets me look back over old ideas and pick out what worked best when i'm feeling a little out of steam i can look at it for inspiration or for something to try again.

1. My colour control is still on my list of weaknesses as I still don't do well at picking a pallet and find it a stressful job. I think maybe this means i should keep a catalogue of colour schemes i like to build up something to look at for inspiration. The hue/saturation tool on photoshop has been really useful for me here as in most cases i pick a colour scheme, go with it then discover i don't really like the way it looks, but now i just adjust the levels until there are colours that suite the line work.

2. I feel that in my work i need to use more references. We had a week early on in this module to focus on using reference and since that i've only used it a couple of times. Even though my style is 'cartoony' there has to be a level of anatomical accuracy to make a character that has charm. making each mark have a purpose, creating the shape as simply as possibly while it still remaining something aesthetically pleasing.

What i've learnt:

1. Line as pattern is working well and i enjoy it so i should go crazy with that.
2. Using a sketch pad to draw for fun can be used for inspiration later on and ideas.
3. Simpler colour schemes are easier to handle at the moment but i need to work on them being effective in creating the feel i want.
4. Use more references. a level of accuracy is needed.
5. The value of thumb nailing, planning the sketches in small simple sketches helps with getting a lot of ideas down fast and seeing quickly if any definitely don't work aesthetically.

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