Wednesday 21 January 2015

Finally I'm Finished

I got in at 8:15 today which was later than I planned but someone in our flat was having a loud party and it kept me awake for ages and then it was still happening as I left this morning. On a tuesday evening of all times to party. But luckily it took less time than I thought. Although thats not to say it came without issue. I had to re-save a couple of my image sequences because I'd saved them as Jpegs when I wanted them to have transparent parts for layering. So i had to go back in and one by one save the layers as photoshop documents. Then I had a lot of issues with after effects where as it turns out even if you set the composition to 12 frames per second, each time you import an image sequence it sets them to 30 fps for no apparent reason. So the problems I faced were all easily solved and primarily down to my lack of experience with the programme.
On the video the wool and hat part was the hardest because the hat, the wool, Terry falling and then him floating are all separate layers that I had to over lay. I was in a rush when I got to the point of editing images last night and I was just trying to get it done as fast as I could since I had no idea how long it would take to put together on aftereffects. So the transparent frames are all quite terribly erased around as I just tried using magic wand and the quick selection tool and got annoyed that those buttons don't have separate shortcuts because I needed to use both.
There was a short scene I cut because I would have to go back into photoshop, erase the background, and save as photoshop files. Its the scene right after Pratchett appears in space and its just 2 seconds of him floating. I just don't have enough time to do that , or maybe I would but I'm not willing to let it get so close to the deadline, my brain just can't take anymore stress like that, i'm burnt out. Because I didn't use that scene it cut out the panning background of space I was going to do. But I'm kind of glad because the background I drew wasn't up to the standard I wanted it to be but again lack of time made me rush.
The text at the end is also not on for long enough. I had planned for it to pan over 8-10 seconds to allow sufficient reading time but then the writing was too small once photographed to be able to erase the back ground and still have neat writing. So I couldn't overlay it onto the final scene. Also the song clip I prepared was 30 seconds long so if I went over the sound would look like it cut out abruptly and early. And honestly I just couldn't work on after effects any longer, my video is at an acceptable standard and I'm short on time so I have neither the want or patience to do more editing in photoshop or after effects.

But after all the headaches, tears and sweat; here it is:

Pratchett Animation FINAL from Rowena Sharp on Vimeo.

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