Tuesday 20 January 2015

Minor Mental break

I got in early this morning at 8:30 and started my scanning while finishing off the last second of frames at the same time. I got half way through my frames and then we had our peer review. When I came back from that I found that someone had logged me out of my mac and since i'd cleverly thought to save all my scans to userwork they were all gone. I could have slept in. For that I am very grumpy at whoever did this.
So freaking out and panicking about how to get the scanning done in time I realised that maybe it would be easier to just take pictures of my frames in dragon frame. That way I could line all the frames up by hand which is way quicker. Thanks to the technician Matt my head didn't explode with stress as after spending nearly 2 hours getting all the pictures ready the programme started using the camera on the laptop and taking pictures of my face instead of the frames. It was a stressful moment and the lights on the rostrum are really hot and heat makes my stressing reach nuclear levels. Luckily Matt managed to fix it and I only had to retake my last 6 frames.
Currently I'm waiting for the image sequence to load into photoshop. I trawled the internet for a way to import all the pictures at once and instantly into separate frames. Since I put my first frame in and realised because of the dpi of the photos I would have to re-size them all and consequently just end up spending time re-alligning them all. Thats something I just don't have time for at this point. so this way I can get them all in knowing that they already line up and then resize them all together so they match up.

The emotion of the day

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