Thursday 15 January 2015

Slap a Bow on it

So during my tutorial with Fred he mentioned packaging and how it could make my work look more professional. Usually a problem I find with my work is that at the end of it I just don't like it. It looks like just another one of my drawings and I can't really see it as a 'real' thing.

First I ordered some cello seal-y bags off amazon. Then I designed stickers to go on the front. I wanted one promoting that it's a hand made product and one with the quote I cut from the prints because it's the quote that kind of explains what the whole product is about. 

To make them tie in with the design I made the quote a turtle and used yellow and purple in the colour scheme. And I decided the hand made would tie in by being a skeleton hand.

I decided to make one of  those little card bits that hold a package together and they hand on the rail at the shop. I put another quote on that I found in an article Pratchett wrote. I chose this one because I feel it makes it specific to the audience. Like it makes it relevant to them. Baby Boomers are considered to be people born between 1946 and 1964, Pratchett's first novel came out 1983 so a lot of existing fans are baby boomers.

I called it the 'From creche to death mobile' as a play on the quote I used in the second print but also because the prints in order are the story of his life.

I got home and used red wool tie the mount board shapes together because it linked with the unravelling concept. Then I stuck the prints on top  after this to cover the holes and knots up.

I stuck the smaller stickers to the package then made a hard board top part and stuck the stickers on each side. I used a hole punch so that I could make that little hole so it can go on a rack at a shop, just to complete the  picture.
I stapled it to the top of the package and made sure it wasn't  the sticky down side so that the  package could still be opened neatly.

Unfortunately I chose to print the stickers on clear sticker paper not realising that the colours would then  slightly transparent. So they're harder to read and not as eye catching as I wanted but overall the packaging really made it for me.
Now that it's packaged and technically/physically could  be sold in a shop, it makes me feel like maybe it is moderately decent work. There are improvements that could be made obviously but for now I'm really pleased with my final product.

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