Wednesday 1 April 2015

Research Boards

In class we were supposed to be making presentation boards to represent our project but our brief specifically asked for 4 images on research. 
Since fate has given us an extra day to work on these boards we started out by giving each board a specific section of research to show. Because a lot of the work is just imagined there wasn't actually that much research to show but we have decided to show our drawing as research as well were not sure if to them this will count as research or not.
The four boards were:Futurism, colour scheme, drawing as research (back grounds) and drawing as research (characters)
We split it so we had a board each to work on then Rosie made the We transfer board template for us both to work on then when she'd finished her slides she emailed me them to apply the colour scheme and add the boxes around images. At first I was just making them because the images on my boards looked messy and just thrown in. So i made a square frame using the colours of the project as a theme. With this box I could also regulate the image size so that they are all in the same format which I think makes them look more professional. 

We managed to submit on time and I think we pulled it off in the end, even if the end was immediately preceded by mass stress.

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