Monday 27 January 2014

Final Crit

I had a talk with Matt
To document my organisation methods: photograph and blog my timetables and check lists.
Use criteria as headings where appropriate: Use key words from the criteria in my blog titles to label what I'm doing.
Flag your critical incidents and how these problems were solved: Talk about the problems I encountered while working and what I did to resolve them.

In the final crit I was given feedback by Jessie:
She says since she can't see my blog she an only go on the body of work and previous crits but it seems to be covered.

Here she mentions how it is a 'tricky idea perhaps to visually communicate' I feel that since she was in previous crits with me, and already knew the kind of message I wanted to get across, she found it easier to see what was happening and it made more sense. I'm not convinced I set it out well enough for it to really work the way I wanted.

Talks about how I've developed my characters.
 The work I did with my facial expressions on this project was quite thorough.

We also left a sheet out for general comments on our work and some students from the FE course were in the room too.

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