Saturday 12 March 2016

I am the walrus

Since the boxes format didn't quite look the way i wanted i decided to go wild and use a walrus as my box base.
This is my line drawing. I used reference for the walrus to get it to be an accurate depiction and be obvious what it is. I think the key part to the walrus is first of all the tusks but my favourite part was the ripples of flab where the flippers are stood up. It really frames the chest of the walrus and made it a perfect place to put my final line. 
I was worried that because the final line was bigger than the others that it would be mistaken for a title but i handed it out for people to read and they agreed that because of where it stood between the heights of the other two rows of poetry made it seem like it was to be read last and not first. Also the whole social reading rules in this country mean you start in the top left and go across and down. 

At first i made the box parts in really fleshy looking like it had been carved out but then i opted for the yellow as i wanted a bit more contrast within the image and the pink was making it a bit more distinctly gross and grim. 

I led the characters til last to colour and i struggled to find the right colour. Because i wanted to use the colour scheme i already had and not add to it. But the characters wen over both parts of the colour scheme. I ended up opting for a slightly orange yellow so it goes with the yellow. I erased like highlights into them though to separate the similar colours further.

This was my final image which i posted to my social media pages. But after i finished i worked on the bed one putting the texture in and i really liked how it changed the image so i tried it on this. And i think it really adds to it. Texture is something i think i want to play with more in this brief because in think it makes it seem more gritty and less bright and beautiful which fits better with the subjects i am tackling.

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