Saturday 12 March 2016

Some Sleep poetry


There's a certain comfort when in bed
The world does not exist
No deadlines, fears or interactions
Bed presents no risk

Wake up

Maybe if i close my eyes
And concentrate real hard
I'll sink into the squish and soft
My calm; remain unmarred

But the sunlight is beckoning
Piercing through the sheets
Noise outside and drafts intrude
Don't they know I'm trying to sleep?

I should probably get up eventually
It can't be as bad as it seems
In a matter of hours ill be back in these sheets
In the safety of my dreams

The lights are on but no bodies in

The head hits the pillow
But the lights remain lit
This attempt at sleeping
Is blatant counterfeit

The minutes lap the hour
Birds greet the sun
The old day hasn't ended
Yet another has begun

Sleep, sweet unconsciousness
Has become a chore
Please turn off all the lights
Windows matching door

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