Saturday 12 March 2016

Beginning a story plan

So i've decided i should figure out a basic structure to the story and whats happening to make the poetry around. Because without a plan theres a high risk of me just getting side tracked in my poetry and not keeping the story moving at a regular pace.

I have some beginning points that i have planned out already

1. i will introduce the land, characters and the littering issue.

2. Sprig sees the bird balancing on the bottle. Has the idea

3. They gather bottles float them and try to get on. They struggle to stay on top and fall in the water

4. He ties a board to it and is rather pleased it balances but a soon as he moves from the centre it flips him into the water

5. a mouse it caught laughing at them and teaches them to treat it like a table so there must be a bottle on either side.

6. They get on the new improved platform and it works. they float out a bit. then the sprouts begin to complain, whats to eat? wheres the loo? how do we get back?

7. Soil pushes the platform back and they start thinking about food supply and how to drive it

once they get the design down that is when i will introduce the magpie that steals from them, which brings up the conflict in the story. They will eventually strike a deal with the bird and be happy.

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