Saturday 12 March 2016

Media Play

I drew out a scene using my characters and I was thinking of tracing it and painting so that i can use analogue media to colour my images and then just put them together digitally.

I had to trace over in pale blue so that i could see where to paint. I understand it would have been much easier process wise to just paint the colours first and then base the line drawing on the paint. But i don't think in shape and colour very well, i'm definitely a line based thinker. 

I quite like the final image but i think the time it took was not worth the final product.
Also after talking to Ben he felt that a much simpler colour scheme would be more beneficial. I think a limited colour could be nice because in want some of my pages to work as floating spot images that don't touch the edges and a limited colour scheme lends itself to that process much better than painting everything. Also i'm not a great painter and there's the issue of having consistent colour of the characters and i'm not sure i could repeatedly mix the same shade of a colour from scratch.

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