Sunday 3 April 2016

Deadline Driven: Brief Numero Tres

So i wanted a product i could make and sell because i feel like  lot of my work is just prints or comics and I thought i'd like to have a 3d product under my belt. Also I think having a product to sell will boost me into creating an easy account to add to my professional presence.
Since i enjoyed doing secret seven i decided to have my product span off of that idea. So i will choose 6 records and illustrate them. I think i'm going to go for classic tracks like Queen and Bowie so that it is more appealing to a wider audience. I also want to have it packaged in a little box that looks like a record played because i think that completes the package. Also then its a min record player and things that are mini versions of other things have endless charm. So i'm hoping the miniature angle makes this work.

Brief: To illustrate 6 records and create a matching box to hold them

Product: A miniature record player box holding 6 mini record covers

Tone of voice: Playful, fun, puns with song titles is a possibility

Audience: As wide as possible (hence the classic selection) adults around 20-60

Context: To be sold as a product on etsy and advertised on social media

Mandatory requirements: 6 illustrated LP covers and one box packaging, blogging, Advertising

Deliverables: One box holding 6 LP covers

Deadline: Friday 8th April   (5 Days)

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