Monday 4 April 2016

Drawn out!

Mr Blue sky is still my favourite piece on here. I've noticed that when i'm rushed like in these deadline driven briefs i tend to opt for the 'blank' character. I like using them because they can span across all the images without dictating how they must look. They are very malleable characters. 
The one for 'who wants to live forever' I think went better than the thumbnail idea, instead of the lines just being more and more faded I have it so there are three different line qualities, a thick solid one, a swirly one made of many lines and then the final one is just dots. I think this conveys the leaving of life, although I'm not entirely sure. Also the layout isn't great on that one, so it may have to be changed.

I have drawn the covers here to 9x9cm 
But i think i want them to intact be slightly small, maybe just 7x7cm, just to push the dinginess of the box as that will be a useful selling point 

*note to self: when advertising to sell make sure there is something in the image to create the contrast and show that it is a miniature. Maybe a del LP…although i only have singles which are quite small anyway. Maybe just some cute things like thimbles and thread. Something that would create a twee image with lots of charm.

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