Tuesday 19 April 2016

Poetry! I choose you!

So i was really losing all interest in my big kahuna and I was thinking about what i want to have in the final show, and i'm pretty sure i and one of my big poems up for the show because they are my most successful forms of work. So i realised i was wasting my time and energy working on a childrens book when my passion doesn't lye in children's illustration. So this brief is now my big kahuna so i felt it needed a bit more content.
I want to include quotes from celebrities who also suffer with depression, beause i think it helps with the purpose of my book which is to create a sense of belonging and show that sufferers are not alone. And also to break down a bit of astigmatism around mental health. I have a particular poem which is calling out health leaflets and their insistence on showing people with their head in their hands as the best representation of mental health, which is rankly insulting.

I've really been enjoying writing the poetry as it is just expressing problems and general fears that come with depression and I think it makes it relatable. I think a big part of this book is showing that these fears and problems are common and normal, so that even though our brain chemistry is off, at least within the umbrella of depression we're relatively normal.

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