Friday 22 April 2016

Brief reset

Brief Title Blue Poetree (name subject to change)

To create a 16 page poetry book around the theme of depression and mental health awareness. The book is to be interspersed with informational text sourced from NHS websites and other secure sources. The aim of the book is to give a sense of community to diagnosed patients. The book is to offer empathetic views from an informed stand point. The book is to be hand bound to push the personal feel of the product. Create appropriate promotional material around the book including an A3 poster. The final product should be packaged and photographed in a professional manner.

A 16-32 page book
An A3 poster
Any additional promotional material

Tone of voice
Laid back

Mental health patients old and new

A pamphlet for mental health
A source of community
Promoting mental health awareness
To be submitted to publishers

Additional info/considerations
Make presentation boards as though pitching to a publisher
Book is on square format that will fit on A3 sheet with bleed to be printed
Medium weight stock matt
Keep brand consistency across project
Put contact numbers in back of suicide prevention, samaritans etc
Have quotes from celebrities

Mandatory Requirements
Investigate contextual reference
Promotional material
16-32 page book
Any additional promotional material

Promotional material
Packaged 16-32 page book
Presentation boards
Professional photos

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