Friday 27 March 2015

I am COOLOR than you

So since I tend to struggle with colour pallets I was really going to be relying on Rosie for help there. She showed me a couple of things she uses to help her with colour pallets,  one thing was going on site selling embroidery thread and clicking on the sets of colours then just eye dropping them to use on photoshop. I think this was a good way to deal with our project because we wanted to use colours that were almost pastels but still with some playful brightness coming through. The embroidery threads as a rule tended to be slightly desaturated colours and hues that would easily fit together. But the best site she has found to use is COOLOR. This site actively suggests 5 random colours that share similar values or compliment each other. You can then decide when you like a colour and 'lock' it down like in a fruit machine. Then get it to randomly choose the other colours keeping that colour in mind.
These were the colours I have selected to use in the animated comic. I used most of the colours to create greens because I know as time progresses in the panel there is an upsurge of nature and everything become green and leafy.

The original non green colours I started out with were just blue, red and yellow. Those were the ones I picked on my own but once i'd coloured one city in the primary colours looked to clumsy and bright. It gave it a patronising, child like colour scheme and I think it lowered the quality a lot. Luckily Rosie was there to help. We played with the hue/saturation tools to get a look at similar colour schemes and then we swapped in ones we liked using the select colour range that we were just taught about. It made the whole swapping colours process way easier. I think thats something that I should use more often because sometimes I just stick with a colour scheme I know doesn't work because I've already coloured so much in and I'm unwilling to redo all my work.
With the hue saturation tool and Rosie's colour wizard powers we realised that the blue was too powder blue whereas we wanted something slightly greenish maybe a dark aqua colour. The red was too brilliant red and the brightness took attention away rather than smoothing over it. So we changed that to a darker burgundy. And finally the yellow was just too diluted and pale sunshine yellow so we made a richer golden yellow to contrast from the more reserved blue and burgundy.

Here are the final coloured ones (bar two that I sent to Rosie because she said she had some time free to colour and it could save us more time we can use to make our presentation boards with) I think were cutting this a bit close to the deadline but now the pressure is on were working a lot better, were bouncing ideas off of each other and helping with each others jobs.  Oddly I think the pressure of an impending deadline has helped us to loosen up and just focus on what needs to be done instead of having time and just getting in a tizzy about what to do next.

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