Sunday 15 March 2015

Ten Year city

I finished the cities, i'm realising at this point that these may be quite time consuming to colour as there is a lot of detail on them. I'm thinking that we should try and keep the colour scheme relatively simple so that it makes the large amount of detail more palatable. I think if I just went in and covered it in every colour, which I tend to do when left alone to colour, it would look too loud and busy. But luckily we appointed Rosie the Colour Wizard so she has to help condense my selection of colours.

Rosie was worried that because I'd done the buildings in such detail that it would be a shame to cover them up with the characters but I think that if they are the right sized then they would only take a section of detail out in the centre bottom. I made it so most of the more dramatic changes are at the tops of the buildings so that it would be seen over the characters heads. I think the fact that the characters are drawn with a more minimal approach to detail that they will balance out the image and give it a centre to focus on.

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