Wednesday 25 March 2015

A world of change

In replacement for my comic panels on the 60's I decided to use the whole decade as comparison to our lives now. I've used a format I used to love playing with in first year, in fact its how I did my border image on this blog,
I've found it's an easier way of showing an image that is depicting something intangible. I can give a sense of something by showing lots of examples of it interlocking into one image. It tends to get a bit over the top and messy though so I tried to keep it down to 2 or 3 layers of images. 

The next panel was to try and show how we are now. I decided to not use the circle format and layering for this one because I'm trying to show a drastic change in opinions and lifestyles. I think this one looks stark and sad in comparison which is what I wanted.

This was part of my original comic panel designs. I liked the idea of the buildings sagging over and looking sad and used. I used the dotted cloud to try and represent the boredom. I think i'll colour the people themselves all grey to show that they are living a grey life void of excitement.

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