Tuesday 11 November 2014

60 frame animation

At first I wasn't sure what to do for my animation. I wanted to do something based on the rules of being a hero/villain from Pratchett's 'The last hero', but after planning out a couple frames I realised that this was far too ambitious for 60 frames. 
Turns out 60 frames works out to about 5 seconds so after this discovery my plans down sized a lot. I decided to try quotes as a starting point for this.

I really liked the one 'You can't die with an unfinished book'. I wanted to do this one because its similar to my ideas for the print side of this module. death has become a presence in my print work and I thought it'd be a fun character to animate.

I drew out 36 frames. I worked like I did for my other hand drawn animation. I have a base drawing and only draw the moving elements on each frame. I only did 36 frames because I figured out with the frames and elements I had already drawn I could just reuse and photoshop into the correct frames.
Unfortunately once i got this to the digital part of the process my plans fell apart. A lot of my componants weren't lining up to my base drawing and all I could remember was how long it took to piece together last time. With that in mind I made an executive decision to start from scratch but draw it digitally. Animating digitally for me was a much better option with the way I like to do it. Animating smaller elements isn't an issue when you can instantly copy and paste the base onto every frame.

I worked with my second favourite quote from my list 'Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.'
since I had spent so much time on my previous animation idea I was a little short of time by this point but I stayed until I was kicked out to finish it.

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