Tuesday 18 November 2014

Project Proposal: Moving pictures

I intend to poduce:
A 60 second sting advertising a documentary on Terry Pratchett's life

The content will focus on:
His Alzheimers
Quantity (the vast amount of books he's written)

I will be aiming to communicate:
The effects of alzheimers
A sense of fun
The universe in which his fiction lived

This will be to an audience of:
Pratchett fans
18+ adults
sci-fi enthusiasts

Concept review:

Comment on the selection of themes, content, concepts or messages:
Good focus on author's life
A really nice approach to Terry Pratchett's experience of alzheimers as opposed to standard uses of concept

Comment on the visual concept of the proposal:
I like that you're using mixed media forms of animation- perhaps explore more bits? try making puppets and maquettes

Comment on the clarity with which the audience and or the context has informed decisions relating to format, duration, media and content:
More context - decide somewhere it would eventually go
More contextual research

Comment on the extent to which the planning of time and resources has been effectively considered in order to enable the production of the proposed work in the time available:
Clear work has been done, needs more organisation and research.

What do they need to do?

Add context to back up your work
Do more experimentation
Storyboard and plan what you're actually going to do

Revised proposal:

I intend to produce:
A 60 second sting advertising a documentary of Terry Pratchetts life using elements of both hand drawn and stop motion animation.

The content will focus on:
His Alzheimers
The universes he creates with his fiction

I will be aiming to communicate:
The effects of Alzheimers
A sense of fun
The universe in which his fiction lived

To an audience of:
BBC watchers
Pratchett fans

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