Sunday 30 November 2014

We came here to sell comics and kick butt

I made a list of all of the things I had made, how much it cost me, how much I was selling it for and the maximum profit. I was being very optimistic. 

My paper I cut to the right size. Its split into what will be used for what print and how many copies. This is so my printing will run smoother, because I'm going to be in repographics for a while waiting for these to print, I don't want to anger the print guy by being an unorganised mess.

Last minute I had an idea to do caricatures, while they aren't my forte I can do portraits on the spot decently well. I have a disclaimer for attractiveness not guaranteed so people are pre warned. Their just a pound because there's a lot of sitting about and it'll be a fun thing to fill my time with.

I made a box and filled it with ready cut paper for doing the caricatures, I cut a large amount so that I could also spend my time drawing for fun. I always found in past years that I feel more comfortable approaching a table if the person behind is otherwise occupied. It feels weirdly intimidating to have them staring and grinning at you like maniacs trying to sell their work.

All coloured in and ready. I made a border out of the colour pallet I used to colour the main advert in, I really liked how it turned out, its simple and it frames it. It also looks like an intro slide from saved by the bell.

This is our table all set out with prices and ready to sell.

About 3 hours in I realised that no one looked in my comic and it's probably because the cover is boring and also because they may be unsure if it's something they can just pick up and flick through since its significantly higher priced than my other products.

Here we are looking like cool professional illustrators. 

We came here to sell comics and kick butt.

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