Tuesday 11 November 2014

The first print

I drew my image on photoshop which is something I don't normally try as I just scan drawings in and colour digitally. Drawing digitally was a new experience, after a while of trying to draw and getting the wrong angle on most of my lines I decided to give up and try a different approach. I got pictures off the internet of roughly what I wanted and put them on a lower layer so I could use them as direct reference.

On this one my print slipped and bled a bit. It was good getting a reintroduction to print though because it refreshed me in how to solve these problems.

The red was meant to fill the space but I actually really liked it when there is a slight fault in the line up, the white gives a good bit of contrast and makes the brain look shiny. I started purposely misaligning some after this so that i could achieve the same effect.

So for my print idea I decided to roll with the whole unravelling idea. I used deaths hand to hold the other end of the string but now I see it in ink it looks a lot more like this is a quick thing and he's going to die. Been wondering how to make it look more like something that will last longer, a struggle.

Possible visual ideas:
He could be holding the growing amount of wool coming from his head like its a burden he has to carry.
expiration dates for his brain and his body that differ.
trying to put the elapsing wool into books.

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