Tuesday 18 November 2014


I decided to pick propercorn for my brief because its a relatively open brief which I think means that a lot of different practices will be going for this and I think a bit of good illustration could stand out. The target audience is 20-35 year olds and since I'm in that category I figure it will give me an easier time catering to the audience. This company know that the best way to someone's heart is through their stomach and they have offered free popcorn for those taking on their brief which I must admit was a big factor in my decision. But mainly I picked it because I looked at their pre existing designs on packets and adverts etc and their light, bright and happy and a designing style I can definitely get behind. And hopefully it will be something that my own style will compliment and work with.

What is the brief problem?
How can they creatively bring to life the ethos 'done properly' to the customer?

What is being asked to be done about the problem?
Find the daily touch points of their customers and create something to communicate why propercorn is good and they should get it.

What is the brief trying to acheive?
To draw in a larger clientèle of 20-35 year olds.

What is the message?
That propoercorn is healthy and made properly. The properly makes it sound more natural like its not all chemicals and e numbers its almost like home made.
Propercorn is THE snack to have on the go for time poor, culturally savvy, young professionals.

Who are the audience?
20-35 year old professionals who are on the go and health conscious.

How will the message be delivered?
The brief was very open on this point. the only information being that it should happen in the daily touch points of their targeted audience. It can be illustration, animation, extension of their packet designs or a way to revolutionise the corner shops they are stocked in.

Who will benefit?
The company. People searching for healthy popcorn. Me if I win.

Can you forsee any problems?
The brief being so open is a little worrying for deciding what format I will use.
I eat way to much free popcorn
With the age range of the audience being so big it could be hard to target the designs to them specifically. I'll maybe just have to target it to the 20-25 year olds because that way I can use our class as guinea pigs and cater to what they like.

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