Saturday 21 November 2015

Freeman Development

So this project has been a bit slow to start because it's working for a friend and there's a certain element of casual about the whole affair. But I think this is good because it's my first work as a professional and its nice to have myself eased in with someone I know. Also she's learning as she goes as this is her first time writing as a professional after she finished her screen writing degree.
But we spoke again and there is now an end date. They would like everything to be finished by the end of march so that it is ready to publish.
 Since my last post I did a load of concept sketches for her to look at. They were based on the 3 sample pieces she gave me. I was trying to draw things that worked as  an idea representing the poem. I also had a lot of drawing with people in because her poetry is like a stream of consciousness rather than blocked and verse like mine. It's nice because it gives you something more metaphorical and intangible to play with.
Posts of poems and sketches will follow.

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