Saturday 21 November 2015

The Table

The front view. We ended up standing up most of the time because when we were sat down we couldn't see over the stand and engage people in conversation. Also people thought we were two separate tables and weren't sure which side to pay at.

My table top was quite full, i rearranged on the second day moving my mobiles to taped to the front  of the table to free up some space to display the stickers I'd been making during the event. I put my cop book in swell at £12 because I'm still quite proud of it. it didn't sell but I enjoyed watching people pick it up and then waiting for their reaction as they opened it and saw it was super gross inside. On the second day I remembered to put an 18+ sign on it to stop kids picking it up.

Rosie was a guest illustrator on my side of the table selling her barbarella print she made for Travelling man, but scaled down.

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