Monday 9 November 2015

My first sale lead to a job

So I've been trying to use my social media more and I'd been posting my illustration Friday's on my Facebook page. This man called Guy Loveridge commented on my post asking if he could buy it. I was going to put £5 but Hollie and Sophie goaded me into putting a tenner. But I'm glad I did because he said yes. Then I went for a drink with a friend from high school and she knows Guy. Turns out she entered a poetry competition last year and although she didn't win, Guy was one of the judges and he offered to publish her work.
She told me he was very excited about my work and that he wanted the original from my drawing, which at first I didn't understand because its digitally refined and coloured so the original is just scruffy line work. But she texted him and was our 'go-between' and he instead paid me £20 for the original. I made up a pack and included the print as well as the original. Then i made a print specifically for an extra freebie and a book mark.
He thanked me for his pack and he enjoyed the freebies. He asked me if they could possibly use the illustration friday print I did as a cover to the anthology he is publishing for her. But I didn't like the idea of my work being re-appropriated so I said I could work with them on some idea's. And now they want me to illustrate her anthology. Which is exciting. Also he's told me about another client of his who is doing a children's story book but needs an illustrator. My friend Becky is setting up an informal meeting for us to discuss work and ideas.

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