Saturday 7 November 2015

So my poem is massive

I didn't realise quite how big it ended up being but I kind of like working this way where I just make it up as I go along. At least with the narrative, the images I've actually been planning. But it's like when I worked on my insect educational comic last year and I was just making up my bug sequential as i went along. And it ended up being longer than I first intended but i think that i worked faster because I was excited the whole time instead of following a rigid plan.
I think in future this is my new method of work: write the whole narrative first and just play and have fun with that and make it up as I go along. Because I can always go back and change parts if they don't work. But to gives a better structure to my drawing. I have the words I'm illustrating already. I usually tend to struggle with sequential in the way of I don't know how many panels I should do and I end up making irrelevant ones that are wastes of time. This way its like each verse is a mini poem and I just have to illustrate that. I think in this project my narrative is definitely leading my drawing, but I like it. It's a lot less stressful.

I planned out my pages. I've been trying to have some pages have multiple verses in to cut down the amount of work but I've still ended up with a massive workload. But since I've been enjoying the drawing so much, I've been working way faster than usual and I've almost completed it. I just have 4 double spreads left to go. My print slot is on thursday. So by Thursday I need a cover ready. Since my comic is so many pages I'm going to print in black and white because it would be a big investment to print in colour. But I'll do colour covers to catch the eye of customers.

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