Tuesday 20 October 2015

Colouring Rick

This was my starting point once I refined the line work digitally, it took quite a while to separate the text work up because there were a lot of little lines that the scanner didn't pick up clearly. I think next time I do text I'll draw it overly large so that I don't loose detail.

I started adding extra line as texture in using the colour scheme. I liked the way the contrasting colours made it stand out more and I think it looks good to have a mixture of white and red lines. It creates a much more interesting texture to the piece. I reversed the texture on the text so that it still fitted in with the background but also stood out clearly. 
I tried to stick religiously to the colour scheme but when I was trying to add a shine texture to the metal work, white was just so garish against the blue and I tried using the cream colour but there was too much contrast and it suggested a different part rather than just a shine reflection. So I have used the red on a low opacity to go over the blue. I like it because it let me make sense of where the lights coming from because since its a red overlay it would only make sense that the red is coming form the red laser. I think this small deviation from the colour scheme is ok, we agreed in a meeting that we could blend the colours along as we kept in mind that the majorative of the colour should be the proper colour scheme one so that all our work still links cohesively.
I did the laser in just colour because I think it represents the light better and you can see through it to his hair behind. I don't normally have anything in my work that isn't drowning in line work but I think it works to have a bit of undefined colour because it balances the piece and makes it less busy, like there's a focal point that's easy on the eyes.
I made the writing bigger and let it span the breadth of the page, because I decided that since I felt the song had a great deal to do with why that scene was so powerful, the words should also be an equal part of my poster. I changed the black for red simply because it made it stand out better on the blue background. Although I think it makes the letters look a bit like Victoria sponge cake. 

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