Tuesday 20 October 2015

Crit Feedback: Statement of intent and Briefs

What I've learnt from my feedback:

Specify HOW I will gain a more prominent presence
Who do I want to talk to and how will I be communicating with them

Brief 1: Thought bubble
Define what my narrative is
Decide now what my product range will be so I can plan my time accordingly.

Brief 2: Macmillan Prize
Time plan need to figure out when I'm going to start. Need to start planning the narrative now in the background of my other briefs so that when it comes to doing it I have my narrative sorted and I can concentrate on how to illustrate it.

Brief 3: Illustration Friday
Need to get started on this one just generally so I can see how things start to turn out and I can decide if there is any kind of theme I'd like to have. But this brief is pretty much straight forward anyway.

Brief 4: Current Stories
I need to decide where the news stories will come from because different papers deal with different issues and they combat them in a way that suites the specific audience of their paper. At this point I'm thinking the guardian because it has a good reputation and I think that the audience is one that better responds to pithy illustrations. And thats my tone of voice so it should suite the audience too.

Brief 5: Poetry Book
I just need to define the theme on this one to start working. At this point I'm pretty set on having it about depression and mental health. But I want it to be biographical rather than a self help purpose.

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