Tuesday 20 October 2015

Rick and Morty Poster

I decided to just draw my favourite scene and include some choice lines from the song that plays at the time. I went into super detail with all the texture, especially in his face because I wanted him to look really aged and tired. Because the whole scene is about reality crashing down; he's an old, depressed alcoholic that wants to die. Pretty heavy stuff but I think it will be popular because the scene was such an amazing point in the shows development, I think it was the best scene of the entire series.
The writing I made block with a bit of 3d, the block is so that it will stand out; matt colour onto of intense texture. But I just enjoy doing it with a bit of 3d stand out. Also on the raised bit I can add little lines of texture so that it still fits in with the general aesthetic of the whole poster.

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