Saturday 24 October 2015

Woven city, textures are pretty

This is the page that I remembered to bring in with me today. I've drawn them all  bald at the moment because I plan to put their hair in with just colour in photoshop. Because I wanted it to be really flowing and I fell like an outline just makes it look more static. I think I'm going to fill the bits behind the merpeople in with more bubbles, like in my other pages (which I will upload when I get home).

I'm doing a lot of texture work in this swell, at this point it doesn't really seem worth mentioning because now everything I do is heavy texture because I enjoy it so much. I'm not sure on colours or anything yet because I tend to think of colours after creating the whole thing. But I think some time in the next week I might scan one in and get some potential colour pallets on the go. I'm thinking minimal colour pallet because my line work can get quite intense and if i fill it completely with colour it tends to just look busy and loud.

The more I'm looking at this double spread the more I'm thinking I don't like it. Theres something about it, the city is too clunky and not as aesthetically pleasing as I would have liked. I might give this another go, make it more symmetrical or do less of a big scene and just do abstract bits. This will make more sense when I get the other pages up because in them there isn't like a definite point of focus yet and everything overlaps and its to be taken in calmly and not straight to the point like this one.

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