Saturday 24 October 2015

Mermalade on toast

So I finally got down to doing more of my mermystery poem. I like working this way because the words determine what the illustrations are going to be and instead of freaking out about a whole comics worth or narrative and working sequentially, I can just think about the poem and then concentrate on a verse or so at a time and Illustrate it. I left my sketchpad at home today but I've illustrated two of the pages and I really liked how they've turned out but now I can't put them on till later. I've got one big double spread I've done, I'm going crazy on texture as per usual but it's great because its underwater so whenever something looks a bit too flat I can just draw a ton of bubbles on it.

So: Poem so far

Down through the waves
Wiggle through the bubbles
There's a place between the corals
Where you forget your troubles

Starfish lye in deep content
The clams are happy too
They cover up the modesty
Of creatures; Green an Blue

Their long and flowing locks
Dance behind their head
As they swim and play in currents
Or go to work instead

Lavish buildings tower above
Weaved in grass and weed
The mercity of Pavlovia (name subject to change)
Is the place to go and succeed

Home to many merman and maid
Living peacefully in content
But there is one that regards the peace
As something he does resent

Day in, day out he lives his life
And feels it is a bore
Nightly he travels outside of the city
Searching for something more

It's upon one of these nights that our story begins
He sees a beauty that lacks any fins
He's amazed and aghast, He stares at her in awe
He wishes he could stay and admire her more

At work in the 'morrow he rushes in
To excitedly tell his tale
But is met with mockery and disbelief
They think he's gone off the rail

He returns home in the blackest of moods
He felt the fool of the city
But he knew if he saw her but once again
He wouldn't feel so shitty

He returned to the spot where he first saw her
Almost every single night
He cherished the moments she returned
It kept his love alight

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