Thursday 14 May 2015

Cover and pattern pages

I found a way to add my 3 pages extra. I was considering cutting one of the insects but I feel that I found a perfect range of different types of insect and I didn't want to ruin that, also there were twelve which is a nice round number whereas I'm just not comfortable about eleven, so adding pages was a must.
I decided to make a pattern in lay page, its low effort which I need for the amount of time I have left. But also the simplicity of it is charming and sweet.

For the cover I made it like I made the front cover for my responsive project report, but this time I used two different types of leave since they both featured in the insect page borders.

I decided to appropriate the book for children by adding a place to put their name, but also a very short explanation of what the book is for people who are flicking through in store.

I added a blurb to the back and made key words bold. I did this so that adults skim reading to see if its what they want for their child. This way the first thing they see is what it is, age range, educational purpose and 'get down and dirty' since most parents will know whether their child is one who loves to be mucky, then this is the book for them.
I added a bar code so it looks like a real product and priced it at £5.99 which I think is a reasonable price since it has extras and free prizes.

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