Thursday 14 May 2015


I had a tutorial with Eleanor, we discussed my narrative idea but  concluded that it is far too complicated a subject to tackle. I'm not clear enough on the purpose or message I'm trying to achieve. She suggested since I'm drawing the mantis maybe I could do a fact book about the mantis. Or possibly expand to insects in general. She suggested making a pack of top trumps cards. I didn't really like this idea though because if I was to make these cards I would want them to function for the game and I don't think I'd be able to make the numbers on the cards unbiased and create an equal playing ground.

She said that I need to decide on a purpose to my book. So since I was considering aiming the comic at children then maybe my new thing can be aimed at children  too. I think I'll go down the education route. I kind of like the idea on focussing in on facts about the mantis, it could be relatively humorous. reminds me of this video True facts about the Mantis

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