Thursday 14 May 2015

Survival of the fittest

Survival of the fittest. It's natural selection that has kept many a specie alive. But in today's society with the technological advancements we have it is not only the fittest that survive. We work on a heightened moral sense, survival of everyone. I want to question that  by showing a human vs beast evolving. I have the mantis' to be the 'beast' race and the little nature nymphs to be the humanoid side. 
Beasts: don't really change or advance. But survive disasters because of the strong just leaving to survive.
Humanoid: Sympathy causes research to happen, they learn and develop. Surpass beast race. But devastated by disaster because a group effort to save each other gets all of them killed.

Above I was  trying to make my nymph more  humanoid, like its a stage in their evolution. He's riding the mantis because I was thinking that as the humanoids surpass the beasts they dominate them and use them for their gain.

The nymph I had over grown with foliage because it makes it look sweet and adds charm. The dumpy body on spindly limbs makes it seem dainty and soft. I want to use this cute exterior to lull the reader into a false sense of security as these are the race that change. I want the reader to question their initial trust of the character.

The three final characters for the narrative.

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