Thursday 14 May 2015

Secret agender

So the character in my narrative takes the costume off and you can see them. I was having trouble deciding on a gender for the child because I felt if I made it a boy then this is a Boys book about bugs. But if it was a girl will it make boys feel like they've picked up a girls book. I wasn't sure of how a child would react or even if it would bother them at all. But just to be on the safe side and keep it open and appealing to all genders I kept it a secret. 
I've done the panels so that you never actually see their face, just hair which is relatively short but that doesn't confirm anything, just leaves it ambiguous.
I think maybe the pants make it look like a boy because I ended up drawing boxers because briefs looked a little too naked to be drawing the child in. I was originally just going for the classic Y-front / Tighty Whiteys. But in recent years there's been a rise in designing boxers for women so I think this still leaves it quite open.

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