Thursday 14 May 2015


I remember when I was in primary school we had this whole project on making an insect habitat. I remember really enjoying it, it mixes getting mucky with drawing and building. Part of the children's curriculum is learning about habitats, what they mean and why things have them. I think if I focused in on  that I can make a book that is educationally relevant.

I made a list of the insects I want to include. I tried to get a range of insects in, including two spiders. I wanted to cover a wide range so that when building the habitats it can cater to as many insects as possible.
This is how insect homes are sold generally. The tubes are to create lots of crevices for things to crawl into. Below is the broken plant pot idea, it's not specifically for an insect habitat but it looks good and I think it will be an interesting thing to draw.

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