Thursday 21 January 2016


I've let my illustration friday blogging slip behind since cop, but now its over I plan to catch up and try to NEVER fall behind again.

The first word was city. At first I had the idea to draw a city growing out of some kind of animal's back but before I started I thought I'd have a look at the pieces that were already submitted. Most of them were cities growing out of animals backs. So I realised my idea wasn't quite as 'unique' as I thought it was. I still liked the ideas of having an animal or creature as the main part, but that was mainly because I like drawing organic things over man built things. I was thinking of different places I could sneak the city aspect into my design. So in the end I made it have city teeth and put big pipes on it's back pluming out smoke.

I used lots of little lines to texture the creature because I wanted it to look furry but without line i'm quite bad at suggesting texture with colour alone. So I went mad with line texture and covered the whole piece in it. I made the smoke plume in a circle around the creature so that it centred there creature as the main point of view. For colours I decided to use sweet shop bright colours, I think the image alone showed the idea of the city breaking down nature and I wanted the colours to contrast form that, the sweet colours seem more inviting. I've continued my colour complimentary signatures so that it is easy to see who the image is by. And hopefully this might lead people to my online promotional media. 

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